Seven Generations
It is only now that we have reached the seventh generation of people living in North America since the time of European colonization. Native people of North America respected the land and gave it more than monetary value; instead the Earth was a living breathing part of human existence. Since the start of colonization in North America the earth has been treated as slave to capitalistic values, land ownership, the ownership of the minerals located well within the belly of "the mother" (Mother Nature), stripping away at the organs of this earth, in an effort to gain money and power; without regard to future generations. The indigenous peoples of this land we now call The United States of America and its neighbors to the north and south believed that the adults were borrowing the Earth from their children and their children's children; borrowing the earth today but acknowledging that choices made today would affect the next seven generations. The "simple savages" that were nearly  exterminated over a 100 year period had no desire to dig holes deep underground for profit, had no desire to impede the waters that flowed from high mountains to valleys and then back to the sea; they knew fish,  plants and all other living things would suffer from trying to change the processes "the Mother" had decided were necessary well before our time on this planet.
 We need to start repairing and remembering how the fish once ran so thick upstream during spawning season that it was believed on could walk across the great Columbia River on the backs of spawning salmon. Conceding to "Its always been that way" or "There is nothing I can do about it", or one of my all time favorites ;"It's only natural". And NO it is not too late nor are we powerless against big business/ government. Regenerative Economics takes a multi-generational approach that looks to replenish while still allowing for companies to have profit.

Joanne Bauer may have described it best when she said "The problem with an approach that lets business define corporate responsibility is that it is not grounded in a set of principles about what it means to be a responsible business. Corporate social responsibility (CSR)is whatever companies want it to be, and often, what is most convenient."  For many years, corporate profits were higher even with the paying of fines from the EPA and others, than they were had the companies been following not just the law, but a "caretaker" attitude. CSR has had its share of criticism; some of which is valid, but I think the concept is great. CSR is based on Andrew Carnegie's, idea that "Carnegie believed that the goal of businessmen should be ‘to do well in order to do good’.  He maintained that it was up to the more fortunate members of society to aid the less fortunate – that the wealthy ought to be stewards of their property, holding their money ‘in trust’ for the rest of society. As trustees they are entitled to do with it only what society deemed legitimate." Read More@ corporate-social-responsibility. Bauer views as too little too late, I believe it is the individuals that look to "save face" who ruin the practice of responsibilities of others. The greed of capital both monetary and social have clouded the responsibilities we have as human beings and caretakers.
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